placenta encapsulation
The placenta is an extremely powerful and valuable medicine for postpartum mothers. Darby has been encapsulating placentas since 2004 and has alchemized over 500 amazing placentas into a special medicine for mothers. The fresh placenta is carefully prepared into capsules using the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine for easy access to the healing power of the placenta. Full of "Ch'i" or "Life Energy", placenta medicine replaces depleted nutrients and dropped hormones levels after giving birth. Placenta medicine assists in emotional well-being during postpartum. It is used to decrease postpartum depression and fatigue, increase energy levels and breast-milk production, provide extra iron and minerals and balance the hormones.
The preparation of every placenta is done with utmost care and cleanliness. All equipment used during the placenta encapsulation process is disposable or sterilized after each use.Darby is OSHA trained in blood-borne pathogens.
Also available: Placenta tincture, Placenta smoothies and Placenta prints
Some of the known ingredients that give the placenta its healing properties are:
You will receive your placenta medicine in a glass jar, your baby's dried umbilical cord for a keepsake in a cloth pouch and guidelines for use.
The Logistics:
After you give birth, refrigerate your placenta in double zip lock bags by 3 hours postpartum. If you are birthing at the hospital have family or friends bring your placenta home to your fridge, or have a small cooler with fresh ice to store it in until you get home. Be sure your midwife or obstetrician and everyone involved with your birth is clear ahead of time that you are keeping your placenta.
If you choose the Traditional Chinese Medicine method of encapsulation, Darby will come to your house to do the initial step of steaming the placenta as soon as possible. It takes about a half hour and she cleans up thoroughly. The process is finished at Darby's house, and your medicine is usually complete within 2 days. If you choose the Raw method, Darby picks up your placenta and completes the whole process at her house. The process is done as quickly as possible so you can start your placenta medicine very soon after giving birth.
Call or email to check my availability to encapsulate your placenta, and for more information. Placenta Encapsulation is available by Darby on the Island of Hawaii.
Placenta Encapsulation Pricing:
For midwifery and doula clients: $150
With pick-up of placenta in Kona Community Hospital or Kona: $200
With pick-up of placenta at North Hawaii Community Hospital or Waimea: $300
With pick-up of placenta at Hilo Hospital, Hilo town, Hamakua or Puna: $350
Placenta Prints: $25
Placenta tincture 16 ounce jar: $25 (Highly Recommended!)
For more information please visit:
Healing Properties of Placenta Medicine
Independent Placenta Encapsulation Network: Research and Articles
Placenta Studies and Articles
The preparation of every placenta is done with utmost care and cleanliness. All equipment used during the placenta encapsulation process is disposable or sterilized after each use.Darby is OSHA trained in blood-borne pathogens.
Also available: Placenta tincture, Placenta smoothies and Placenta prints
Some of the known ingredients that give the placenta its healing properties are:
- Gonadotrophin: the precursor to estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.
- Prolactin: promotes lactation.
- Oxytocin: for pain relief and bonding; produced during breastfeeding to facilitate bonding of mother and infant.
- Thyroid stimulating hormone: boosts energy and helps recovery from stressful events.
- Cortisone: combats stress and unlocks energy stores.
- Interferon: stimulates the immune system to protect against infections.
- Prostaglandins: anti-inflammatory.
- Hemoglobin: replenishes iron deficiency and anemia, a common postpartum condition.
- Urokinase inhibiting factor and factor XIII: stops bleeding and enhances wound healing.
- Gammaglobulin: immune booster that helps protect against postpartum infections.
You will receive your placenta medicine in a glass jar, your baby's dried umbilical cord for a keepsake in a cloth pouch and guidelines for use.
The Logistics:
After you give birth, refrigerate your placenta in double zip lock bags by 3 hours postpartum. If you are birthing at the hospital have family or friends bring your placenta home to your fridge, or have a small cooler with fresh ice to store it in until you get home. Be sure your midwife or obstetrician and everyone involved with your birth is clear ahead of time that you are keeping your placenta.
If you choose the Traditional Chinese Medicine method of encapsulation, Darby will come to your house to do the initial step of steaming the placenta as soon as possible. It takes about a half hour and she cleans up thoroughly. The process is finished at Darby's house, and your medicine is usually complete within 2 days. If you choose the Raw method, Darby picks up your placenta and completes the whole process at her house. The process is done as quickly as possible so you can start your placenta medicine very soon after giving birth.
Call or email to check my availability to encapsulate your placenta, and for more information. Placenta Encapsulation is available by Darby on the Island of Hawaii.
Placenta Encapsulation Pricing:
For midwifery and doula clients: $150
With pick-up of placenta in Kona Community Hospital or Kona: $200
With pick-up of placenta at North Hawaii Community Hospital or Waimea: $300
With pick-up of placenta at Hilo Hospital, Hilo town, Hamakua or Puna: $350
Placenta Prints: $25
Placenta tincture 16 ounce jar: $25 (Highly Recommended!)
For more information please visit:
Healing Properties of Placenta Medicine
Independent Placenta Encapsulation Network: Research and Articles
Placenta Studies and Articles
"I was immediately soothed by the placenta capsules, and my baby blues ended within the first few days. My energy started coming back, my milk came in full force, the after-pains faded, the bleeding got much lighter, my irritability went away and I was able to enjoy my new baby. My son seemed even calmer and happier after I started taking my encapsulated placenta. No wonder other mammals eat their placentas immediately after birth." ~Tiffany
"Doing the placenta encapsulation when my son was born was a huge lifesaver. I don't understand why this is not something that doctors demand their patients do. I didn't know about placenta encapsulation with the birth of my first about 10 years ago, and my recovery with my daughter was horrible without the placenta medicine: I had terrible postpartum depression and was white as a sheet for months. With my son my placenta capsules were like a miracle cure! I'm so excited I'm going to get 2 placentas this time!!" ~Michelle, expecting twins!
"My placenta capsules are my Super Woman pills!" ~Kendelle
"I have less depression and I have more energy...My milk supply has gone up and I don't have to supplement with formula anymore" ~Reanna
Disclaimer: the statements on this page have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please consult your licensed care provider before using any medicine.
Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested in placenta encapsulation.
Darby Partner CPM LM
Hawaii Holistic Midwifery's Placenta Encapsulation Services available on the Island of Hawaii
[email protected] 808.313.2428