doula care
loving birth support
Darby is passionate about assisting women to access their own power to birth their babies, providing emotional support, physical comfort measures and advocacy for the birthing mother and her family. She has been serving mothers as a doula since 2001.
Doulas are highly trained and experienced in providing support for birthing mothers. Doulas are experts in the process of pregnancy and birth and strive to help the birthing mother have a positive experience in the incredible, life-changing experience of birthing a new being. The many benefits of doula care are shown in the study published in the book, 'Mothering The Mother', by Marshall H. Klaus: 50% reduction of Cesarean rate 25% shorter labor 60% reduction in epidural requests 30% reduction in analgesia use 40% reduction in forceps delivery Pregnancy Support Support is provided during pregnancy including emotional support, education, and herbal and nutritional support. The doula care package includes 3 prenatal meetings to discuss your desires surrounding your birth and explore the many decisions and options surrounding the birth and newborn care. You have a choice about the many tests and procedures during pregnancy and childbirth and Darby provides information, knowledge and resources to help you make an informed choice. Darby works with you to create your birth plan and is there to answer all questions. Birth Doula Care Darby provides the birthing mother with constant support during the entire birthing process and is there throughout your whole labor and birth to calm, reassure, nurture and comfort. She comes to you when you need her in labor and stays until you are settled in with your baby in your arms, happily breastfeeding. Darby provides the birthing mother with emotional support, position suggestions, pain coping techniques, offerings of herbal support, aromatherapy, support during pushing and other comfort measures. Darby is an advocate for you so your needs and wishes are respected by all present during your experience. She offers knowledge and information about the birth process and the options during labor and birth so that you can make informed decisions about your birth. Bonding is facilitated between the laboring couple, as well as with baby. Darby holds sacred space for your own empowerment. You can have the birth you desire! The father, partner or other family members, also benefit from my care during the birth. As a doula, Darby does not take the place of a supportive partner, but supports the partner and the rest of the family to nurture the mother and also have a meaningful birth. Darby has experience with a variety of families including adoption, lesbian couples and single mothers. Darby tunes in to the diverse needs of birthing families and honors them. With the energy of birth, sacred space is created. she protects that sacred space of birth. Darby offers doula care in any setting. She has experience with births at the hospital, birth centers and at home, as well as with water birth. Darby believes there is a great need for doulas in hospital settings and she is working to help doulas gain popularity. Darby has have experience with supporting women through a VBAC and is very passionate about helping a woman heal from a previous cesarean birth and go on to birth vaginally. She also supports women during a cesarean birth. Darby respectfully caters to the needs of each individual family, with compassion and non-judgment. "Babies are bits of star-dust blown from the hand of God. Lucky the woman who knows the pangs of birth for she has held a star." ~Larry Barretto |
"Doula support enhances the well-being of mothers and babies and leads to fewer medical interventions in the process of labor and birth."
"The more a mother is cared for, the more easily she can care for her baby."
Immediately following the birth Darby stays with the mother and provide breastfeeding support if needed. Darby offers high quality herbs to speed the mother's healing after the work of birthing. She visits the family 2 times following the birth. She offers the postpartum mother a yoni steam, and other healing support to help promote relaxing and postpartum healing. Postpartum doula care is also offered in the weeks after giving birth. This includes caring for older siblings, newborn care, running errands, preparing healthy meals, light housekeeping, etc. Darby's role is to provide non-intrusive, non-judgmental support according to the family’s needs and wishes. She is there to facilitate your time to relax, and heal. |
Darby Partner CPM LM Hawaii Holistic Midwifery 808.313.2428 [email protected] Kona, Big Island, Hawaii