
Hawaii Holistic Midwifery: Facebook Page
Midwives Alliance of North America: Organization which focuses on a mission to promote midwifery as a quality health care option
North American Registry of Midwives: Nationally accredited, NARM sets the standards
for the competency-based CPM credential.
doTerra Therapeutic Grade Oils: Your source for certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils for emotional and physical health.
Birth Diaries~ Collection of birth experiences photographed as they happen.
International Cesarean Awareness Network~ ICAN's mission is to improve maternal-child health by preventing unnecessary cesareans through education, providing support for cesarean recovery, and promoting Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC).
La Leche League~ An international organization dedicated to providing education, information, support, and encouragement to breastfeeding women.
Midwifery Today~ Learn all about midwifery, pregnancy, birth, homebirth, natural birth, breastfeeding, and herbs.
Mother Health International~ A birth center for poverty and earthquake stricken Haitian women in Jacmel, Haiti.
Mothering Magazine~ The birthplace of natural family lifestyle, celebrates the experience of parenthood.
Peaceful Parenting~ a valuable blog with an abundance of information.
Sarah J. Buckley~ An internationally-acclaimed doctor writes on gentle choices in pregnancy, birth, and parenting.
Shape of a Mother~ Where women of all ages, shapes, sizes and nationalities can proudly share images of their bodies.
Spinning Babies~ Optimal fetal positioning for easier childbirth.
Waterbirth International~ Waterbirth information and resources.
Yasayan Bumi Sehat~ Supporting healthy and wise development of communities. Projects include disaster relief and continuing work at clinics in Aceh and Bali, Indonesia.
Brand Yourself Profile~ Simple online tools
Information on Circumcision:
No Circ~ The home page for the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers.
Important Article on Circumcision~ "Male Circumcision in the U.S.A.: A Human Rights Primer" by Rich Winkle
Excellent List of Sources of Information on the function of the foreskin
Gentle Birth Heals Mother Earth
Midwives Alliance of North America: Organization which focuses on a mission to promote midwifery as a quality health care option
North American Registry of Midwives: Nationally accredited, NARM sets the standards
for the competency-based CPM credential.
doTerra Therapeutic Grade Oils: Your source for certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils for emotional and physical health.
Birth Diaries~ Collection of birth experiences photographed as they happen.
International Cesarean Awareness Network~ ICAN's mission is to improve maternal-child health by preventing unnecessary cesareans through education, providing support for cesarean recovery, and promoting Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC).
La Leche League~ An international organization dedicated to providing education, information, support, and encouragement to breastfeeding women.
Midwifery Today~ Learn all about midwifery, pregnancy, birth, homebirth, natural birth, breastfeeding, and herbs.
Mother Health International~ A birth center for poverty and earthquake stricken Haitian women in Jacmel, Haiti.
Mothering Magazine~ The birthplace of natural family lifestyle, celebrates the experience of parenthood.
Peaceful Parenting~ a valuable blog with an abundance of information.
Sarah J. Buckley~ An internationally-acclaimed doctor writes on gentle choices in pregnancy, birth, and parenting.
Shape of a Mother~ Where women of all ages, shapes, sizes and nationalities can proudly share images of their bodies.
Spinning Babies~ Optimal fetal positioning for easier childbirth.
Waterbirth International~ Waterbirth information and resources.
Yasayan Bumi Sehat~ Supporting healthy and wise development of communities. Projects include disaster relief and continuing work at clinics in Aceh and Bali, Indonesia.
Brand Yourself Profile~ Simple online tools
Information on Circumcision:
No Circ~ The home page for the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers.
Important Article on Circumcision~ "Male Circumcision in the U.S.A.: A Human Rights Primer" by Rich Winkle
Excellent List of Sources of Information on the function of the foreskin
Gentle Birth Heals Mother Earth
Darby Partner CPM LM Hawaii Holistic Midwifery 808.313.2428 [email protected] Kona, Big Island, Hawaii